None of TPCN’s Providers charge fees of any kind for counseling, materials assistance, referrals, or classes to the qualifying women and families they serve. So, no matter what your a financial situation is, you can always get pregnancy help from our providers when you are having a pregnancy crisis.

Have you recently found out you are unexpectedly pregnant? Are you having trouble figuring out what you want to do next? Are you feeling scared or anxious about this unplanned pregnancy? If so, here in the Texas Pregnancy Care Network, our Providers specialize in helping women who are unexpectedly pregnant and don’t know what to do after seeing a positive pregnancy test. This network is a pregnancy resource for families and women of all ages and backgrounds. So, if you are looking for help within the state of Texas and need free help from pregnancy care providers in Texas, call us.
No matter how far along you are in your pregnancy and no matter what your decision is on parenting or adoption, we will be a support system for you. We have TPCN providers across the state of Texas for mothers who need support right away, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us today.
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to speak with someone who will be on your side every step of the way.
For immediate help in finding a nearby provider in Texas, please call 877-345-7734
Texas pregnancy care providers are a safe resource for women who are having an unplanned pregnancy. If you are having financial issues, you are worried about whether or not you want to stay pregnant the full term, or you don’t know if you want to keep the baby when they are born, we are here for you. We can help provide information you may need whether you are considering abortion, adoption, or parenting. We’ve helped many mothers in the past and we want to continue helping many more who need it. Eligible families in need can receive access to state-wide resources for children up to 36 months old. Our large network of providers offers counseling educational classes, referrals, free baby items and more.
So, if you need any type of pregnancy support or you would like to learn more about being a mother and raising a newborn, reach out to us today and find a pregnancy care provider to help near you.
TPCN Providers Offer:
None of TPCN’s Providers charge fees of any kind to the women and families they serve.