Client Success Stories From Pregnancy Care Providers

The following paragraphs describe cases successfully managed by Program Providers since joining the Thriving Texas Families Program. They are shared for the limited purpose of illustrating the quality and scope of the Providers’ work. The clients have given their consent for their stories to be shared, and their names have been changed to protect their privacy.


Alma was referred to Family Care Connection by a local women’s shelter. She was approximately six months pregnant, 27 years old, single, homeless, unemployed, and had lost custody of her eight year old son. Alma had a history of substance abuse and making poor life choices. She was on probation and was completing community service work.

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Kaye was thinking about having an abortion even though she said she didn’t believe in it. Her boyfriend had lost his job and he wanted to move in with her so she could support him. The last thing he wanted was the added expense of a baby, so he pressured Kaye to have an abortion. This was her first pregnancy and she was torn between her personal convictions and the stress of her current circumstances.

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Catherine first contacted the Gladney Center in early January. She was faced with an unplanned pregnancy and was interested in the option of adoption. Catherine met with a counselor at The Gladney Center and was informed of her options within adoption and was also counseled regarding the option of parenting.

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She wasn’t the typical client at our pregnancy center. Her two children were about to graduate from high school; she was wrapping up the teen years; the late nights, the challenges. She was 36 and this was the last thing she thought she would face at this point in her life. Single and pregnant, abortion was an option. After all, she had been down that road before many years ago. We talked to her about her past abortion, and how we could help her with her current pregnancy.

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Maria is a 21 year old, single, Hispanic woman. She and her child ‘s father, Sam, live together with their three month old baby. Maria and Sam have attended several group sessions that covered pre-natal, pregnancy, parenting and healthy relationships. They have received individual counseling and material assistance.

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I first met Kara when she came in for a pregnancy test. She said she was doubtful that she was pregnant but that she wanted to take a test because she was experiencing a few symptoms of pregnancy. While getting to know the client, I learned that she had grown up in a very strong goal oriented home, that she and her family had strong religious beliefs, and that having an education and good work ethic were both important and expected.

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Susie is an eighteen year old high school graduate who came to the program when she was 6 months pregnant. At the time she was living with the baby’s father. Her hope was to make a life with him and her baby . Prior to the baby’s birth, her boyfriend decided to leave the area and move to another state as he was having trouble finding work.

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Ana came to Seton Home when she was 4 months pregnant with her second child. Ana had a neglectful and dangerous early life since her mother was a drug addict and did not care for her children. After being placed in Child Protective Services custody, Ana and her baby daughter were living at a shelter in Kerrville for eight months before being placed at Seton Home.

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When 18 year old Claire first came to the Gabriel Project Life Center, she was 12 weeks pregnant and very upset. Claire explained that she recently lost her job and shortly after becoming pregnant, had broken up with her boyfriend. She lived in a small apartment with her mom and several of her siblings, nieces and nephews.

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When Morgan came to the Shelter, she was 28 weeks pregnant and had a 4-year old daughter. She relayed to me that coming from the homeless shelter over to Our Lady of the Angels Maternity Shelter (OLAMS) has made a difference in her life in several ways. Here is Morgan’s perspective of her stay at OLAMS, in her own words:

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I am a single 39 year-old African American woman. I became angry with myself, disappointed and scared when I discovered that I was pregnant. I lost my job because I was required to stay on complete bed rest during the last trimester of my pregnancy. I had no family or friends for support.

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When Mary first called us on a very cold January day, she was living out of her car. She had no job, no where to live, no driver’s license, and no gas money. She did not even know how far along her pregnancy was. Over the phone, she told us that she needed maternity clothes, and diapers.

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When Jessica arrived at Annunciation Maternity Home, she had finished the required Cosmetology training hours, but she had not registered to take the licensing exam because her career goals had changed. After the birth of her baby girl, Jessica renewed her commitment.

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After reading these personal stories, you might be wishing that you could seek help from one of our pregnancy care providers. Well, luckily for you, you can! If you are looking for prenatal care providers in Texas, we are affiliated with a few scattered all across the state. They have wonderful staff members who care for the many pregnant women who are referred to providers or go there by choice.

No matter your financial situation, how many weeks pregnant you are, or what your decision for the baby is, pregnancy care providers can help you. If you would like to find help near you and create your own personal story like the ones on this page, find a pregnancy care provider near you today.